Today I posting a portrait I finished yesterday of Eric Pouhier, AKA +Eric Pouhier of Google+. Eric's interests are Photography, Mathematics and Engineering. Eric originates from France, hence the background and added French touches. There's also a "Math Doesn't Suck" test book as well as a medal I made for a music competition he won in 1986. This was a really fun project. Eric had no specific requests so I was able to do my thing...what ever that is. Eric supplied several nice source images with some great expressions which really makes my job easier and more enjoyable. I can't tell you how may times people send me stoned faced pics wanting me to make it funny. If you look at the source images below, there were two images that I liked but couldn't decide which one to use. Thankfully with Eric's rock steady poses, I was able to take the best parts of both with the parts matching up almost perfectly. Below the source pics is a capture of my work in progress, (WIP) canvas just as it was on my Cintiq.

Work in Progress Canvas

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day and be inspired!