Back by popular demand, Lionel Messi. The first manipulated caricature I did of Messi has been one of the most popular I have done to date. This man is definitely well loved all over the world. I've wanted to do another for a while but didn't have the right image to work with. I found this one which is not the best quality but was a good 3/4 head shot, so I decided to give it a go. This was totally experimental and fun work for me. I really took my time in the early stages with the direction I would take the exaggeration. It's not my best work but I feel like I learned from it and that's what these non-commissioned images are all about. It's all a learning experience.
I am also just now starting to experiment with digital painting from scratch but I need instruction and direction. I don't want to develop any bad habits. I do intend on taking formal caricature lessons from Jason Seiler but I want to get the basics down and get comfortable drawing and painting again digitally before I do. So, look forward to seeing some changes in my style, hopefully for the better as I incorporate more and more paining into my manipulations and start producing some more "traditional" painted caricatures in the very near future. I have received such a positive response though from my current methods and style that I will continue with this, not changing anything drastic anytime soon. These changes will come gradually and subtly as I learn and like I've in the past, I'll just let it lead me where ever it leads me and develop into what ever it's going to develop into naturally. It's the only way I know how to learn. I'm mainly just looking to broaden my horizons and diversify my skills as I learn caricature illustration which I love so much. Check out some of the sick ball handling skills by Messi in this short video clip below. Good things to come so stay tuned folks!!
Lionel Messi Source Image:

Lionel Messi in action!
Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day and be inspired!